Take a look at the graph above. This graph shows the effect of COVID-19 cases with and without intervention. The first thing to look at is the dotted line in the middle which represent the Capacity of Healthcare System. This basically means that once the graph crosses the dotted line, there are not enough beds in a hospital to treat the patients. This dotted line stays the same unless new hospitals and doctors to treat the patients are increased. The purple section represents the worst state like in Italy. Basically each and every one of us in the society have to be cautious and work together to further prevent the growth of COVID-19 cases. If we don't take measures to slow the rate of COVID-19, the curve rises rapidly. This means that the number of patients increases in an unbelievable rate. Once this happens and crosses the dotted line, there are not enough hospitals to take in the patients. This causes unnecessary deaths because people who actually need serious medical att...
I will share my thoughts, and rant about some random stuff. In case you didn't already know, this blog includes NSFW content. Please do understand that I am a busy man therefore an inconsistent update schedule. [WIP] = Work in Progress