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Let a Lazy Person do the Hard Work

There is a famous quote by Bill Gates, "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it". My heart was struck when I first heard the quote. I couldn't agree more with this thought. Every time I hear an entrepreneur's quote, I think the same thing but this one was especially the one that shone. If we reverse back in time, famous innovators were actually very lazy. Most entrepreneurs didn't even graduate college. A lazy person has lots of free time, and lots of free time means lots of time to think. They don't just think about one thing and execute the process, but rather think whether that thought you have thought out is actually doable. Lazy people have the most open mindset. Their mind is like a fantasy. If there is a problem, they will find a way to further improve that problem. Take Uber Eats as an example. A person imagines how easy it would be if they can enjoy their favorite food from the comfort of their hom...
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Mindset of the Japanese People

Japanese people are the ultimate middle man of the entire human race. Let me just clarify that I myself am Japanese and this won’t get racial. It is just my opinion based on years of investigating and being around Japanese friends. The first part that I will be writing about is Japanese people being the “ultimate middle man”. They tend to put themselves in the middle ranking of almost everything. Don’t get me wrong, some people have high mentality, but I’m talking about the majority. For example, Japanese people think that they are the most superior race in the entire Eastern-Asia region. Some of us tends to look down on Chinese, Korean people as we rule them, on the other hand look up to the European, American race as we think they are far more superior. Another example is that some of us battle between grades and educational background. They look down on most people, mostly their friends. Then they put famous people higher than themselves just because they have a higher ranking s...

How Can We Stop COVID-19?

Take a look at the graph above. This graph shows the effect of COVID-19 cases with and without intervention. The first thing to look at is the dotted line in the middle which represent the Capacity of Healthcare System. This basically means that once the graph crosses the dotted line, there are not enough beds in a hospital to treat the patients. This dotted line stays the same unless new hospitals and doctors to treat the patients are increased. The purple section represents the worst state like in Italy. Basically each and every one of us in the society have to be cautious and work together to further prevent the growth of COVID-19 cases. If we don't take measures to slow the rate of COVID-19, the curve rises rapidly. This means that the number of patients increases in an unbelievable rate. Once this happens and crosses the dotted line, there are not enough hospitals to take in the patients. This causes unnecessary deaths because people who actually need serious medical att...

Why COVID-19 Is A Bigger Deal Than You Think

COVID-19 or rather known by its simpler name "corona virus" is a pandemic which emerged in Wuhan, China in the beginning of 2020. You may be wondering what the fuss is all about. Is this virus/disease really dangerous, and do we have to worry about it? Simple answer, Yes. COVID-19 has similar symptoms to pneumonia. When a patient is infected, the patient could experience cough, tiredness, fever (of over 37.5), and difficulty breathing. Te infection and the spread throughout the body happens all in matter of a few days. Once the virus had taken over the respiratory system, the tiny sacs in your lungs called "alveoli" start to fill up with fluid causing the difficulty of breathing. However, that is not the whole story. What makes COVID-19 so deadly is how easily the virus can spread. The virus spreads through social interactions which include talking, or just walking beside other people. The virus gets passed on through coughing. Once the virus is let out from th...

Why Do We Go To College?

Why do we go to university? It's probably because you want that diploma. But why do we get that diploma? When we ask this question, most opinions split into a bunch of directions. I personally believe that diploma is just an "insurance" so that you don't fall into the bottom of society. Recruiters use diploma as a way to check the student's educational background. It's basically a ticket into society. The level of college and diploma is just a status. Students with higher status have higher chance of getting a good job, on the other hand, the choices are a little more limited when it comes to the lower status students. If we think about it, diplomas are just status for self promotion and nothing else.

System Engineers have a future

System Engineers. Or SEs. In modern world, artificial intelligence is becoming smarter and smarter. Eventually, AIs will completely take over jobs that humans have. AIs are capable of doing what us human beings are able to do. This includes banking type jobs, which AIs can easily do calculations a billion times faster than what our brains are capable of doing. Not only calculations, but AIs are also very good at predicting things. This means that they can do things that have an instruction. If I put it to my own words, its basically an automation machine.

Singularity is Approaching...

SINGULARITY. Not a term we hear too much, but have heard of somewhere in your life. There's not so much chance to actually look up or define the word "singularity". That's because its something normal people don't think about. Basically, it means that Artificial Intelligence will surpass the knowledge of us human beings. This means that AIs will have their own consciousness, and will be able to make decisions like human beings. Computers right now are not that smart; We have to tell them what to do (Input), and they will do what we tell them to do (Output). This same concept applies to smartphones, and every IoT devices that we use out there. What if AIs could think, and analyze a certain situation to make the best decision? The best example to tie this up to are autonomous cars. Tesla has been making autonomous cars for a couple years now, and there is one main thing that keeps these cars alive. That is the brain of the car (AI). We feed big data to these AIs,...

Beauty of Apple Updates

APPLE UPDATES. I have always been thinking quietly in my head about the stability, and the reliability of Apple Updates. This includes iOS, Mac OS, iPad OS updates. Just to put this out there, but I am not an Apple fanboy. I have not yet fully entered the Apple ecosystem(ahem... financial reasons), and I've always been a Windows type guy when it comes to computers. I am running a Windows 10 cumulative update in the background as I am typing up this blog, and I realized how slow, and unreliable the updates are. When I click on Update Now prompt, it will start to update. Good news! However, the percentage bar always hangs at a specific number(e.g. 25%). I write a paragraph or so and check back on how the update is doing. Still no change. Completely stuck. It's like my time has been taken a hostage and I dislike this. Apple devices are super reliable. Once you click on update now, the device will block any inputs, so you will not be able to use the device while updating. Howeve...

Space Tethers? Say Hello to Interplanetary Travel

SPACE TETHERS. Interplanetary travel may sound like its came out straight out of a sci-fi movie, a little "fantasy like", but we may be closer to the objective than we think. We have a technology called rockets which takes payload to the space. An object will need a velocity of over 40,000 to escapee the Earth's atmosphere. Which means the rocket will need a ton of fuel. A majority of the space inside a rocket is reserved for rocket fuel, and the tip of the rocket carries a payload which is not a lot. It is also called a space elevator to further simplify the concept, but it is more like a rope hanging from a satellite orbiting the Earth. The satellite in orbit will have a long rope with a docking station attached. The concept will look like a nun chuck. Once in orbit, the nun chuck like tether will rotate keeping the momentum at an equal rate. Using that momentum, we are able to fling the ships, or capsules outer space, or even catch the ships coming inbound and reduce t...

What is cringe?

CRINGE. Have you ever wondered what the definition of cringe is? We hear it a lot in the social media communities, especially memes. As a matter of fact, the term "cringe" probably originated from the meme community around 2013. Want an example of cringe? Callmecarson is called a living cringe. I personally think he's humorous and an amazing guy, but sometimes his humor is way too off. That's the reason why I like that dude. But in all seriousness, I first saw the word "cringe" on a recommended YouTube video. It was called "Minecon Cringe", and as I watched the video, I understood exactly what cringe meant. Its one of those words that you know what it means, but when it comes to putting it in words, you just can't explain it properly. It's that feeling when you feel embarrassed inside your heart for someone. In some parts, its really similar to "awkwardness". Right now, instead of using the word "cringe" when we are su...