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Let a Lazy Person do the Hard Work

There is a famous quote by Bill Gates, "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it". My heart was struck when I first heard the quote. I couldn't agree more with this thought. Every time I hear an entrepreneur's quote, I think the same thing but this one was especially the one that shone. If we reverse back in time, famous innovators were actually very lazy. Most entrepreneurs didn't even graduate college. A lazy person has lots of free time, and lots of free time means lots of time to think. They don't just think about one thing and execute the process, but rather think whether that thought you have thought out is actually doable. Lazy people have the most open mindset. Their mind is like a fantasy. If there is a problem, they will find a way to further improve that problem. Take Uber Eats as an example. A person imagines how easy it would be if they can enjoy their favorite food from the comfort of their home. Therefore, a new idea has been born. By creating that idea and integrating that into our smartphones, we have made this society a better place for all.
